Pancake Supper

The first Pancake Feed was held on February 16, 1967. The second was November 10, 1967, and has continued once a year since then, usually on Friday of Fire Prevention Week (the first week of October).

We start preparing for it months in advance and the week before we clean the station from top to bottom, prepare the pancake batter get ready all the supplies. There is a lot of work that goes into it but we love seeing everyone in the community and can’t wait till the next one
Please come to join us for great pancakes, ham, coffee, and hot chocolate and support your community and fire department! Learn about the department, check out our trucks and meet the local firefighters.

We serve approx 1,400 people in 4 hours That number has steadily risen since the first pancake feed back in 1967! We’d love to see you this year!